When my school allowed students to bring their own devices to the classroom...and use those devices for educational purposes, I was ecstatic! All of the neat things I'd wanted to do with technology, but couldn't because my students couldn't access technology...I could implement those activities! So exciting!Typically, when I get excited about trying a new strategy in my classroom, I only think ... Read More about Classroom Management in a BYOD Environment
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Using iTunes U in the Classroom…and for Professional Development!
Have you looked into iTunes U? If not, check it out!iTunes U is an amazing tool that can be used by teachers and students alike. Teachers can use iTunes U to learn about almost anything, and learn from reputable universities and scholars.I'll give you a glimpse of my iTunes U library...History of Western Civilization I from Liberty UniversityFlipping PD: Flipping Professional Development from ... Read More about Using iTunes U in the Classroom…and for Professional Development!
Helping Students Learn to Cite…It’s No Easy Task!
As a social studies teacher, I often struggle with students claiming that they do not know how to cite sources, or reference sources in essays and research papers. I KNOW my students have been taught how to cite sources in their English classes. I KNOW they can do this, so why do they claim they can't? I'm often told that "this isn't English" or "this is a history class!" I'm well aware of the ... Read More about Helping Students Learn to Cite…It’s No Easy Task!
Massive Open Online Courses…the Future of Education?
As you've probably noticed, I am slightly obsessed with educational technology :)I love the idea of taking online courses and earning degrees through online programs (all of my graduate work was completed online). I love the flexibility of online courses, as well as other characteristics of these courses. Since I'm the mother of two beautiful little girls, a wife, and a full time teacher, online ... Read More about Massive Open Online Courses…the Future of Education?
Popplet…A Wonderful Tool for Teachers AND Students!
What is Popplet? Think the zooming capability of Prezi + awesome mind-mapping tools...Popplet is the brain child of these two concepts!Popplet is a great tool for virutally any classroom.How would I use it? I've listed some examples below:students could use Popplet to take notes (this would be great for visual learners!)teachers could use Popplet to outline the steps for a projectstudents could ... Read More about Popplet…A Wonderful Tool for Teachers AND Students!