Thank you to all who participated in the Teaching with Technology giveaway! Congratulations to the big winner, Angela! Watch for more giveaways coming soon!Thanks for reading :) ... Read More about Thank you!
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Student Response System…gamified!
I recently stumbled upon a true gamified student response system...Kahoot! Have you tried it?Before I get too excited...Kahoot is a game based student response system for classroom use. Teachers simply create a FREE account and select the type of "Kahoot" they want to create:quiz (allows teachers to create multiple choice quizzes with an unlimited number of questions)survey (allows teachers to ... Read More about Student Response System…gamified!
Wow, this is an amazing tool! Have you tried Symbaloo?There are so many classroom uses for this wonderful tool...but first, what is Symbaloo?Symbaloo is a bookmarking tool that allows users to create "tiles" that link to specific websites. Users can create "webmixes," which are similar to a board on Pinterest. The SymbalooEDU account comes with webmixes already created, including EDU Teacher, ... Read More about Symbaloo!
Do They “Geddit?”
Looking for a different student response system to try in your Chromebook classroom? Check out Geddit!Just yesterday, I was thinking of a way that I could "techify" an idea a tool a teacher friend uses in her classroom. She has four folders in her room, and at the end of the class period, her students drop a piece of paper in one of those folders to indicate how comfortable they feel with the new ... Read More about Do They “Geddit?”
7 Awesome YouTube Channels for Social Studies
Normally, I try to refrain from focusing my posts on my beloved content area, but today I just can't help it. As more and more schools begin to implement a 1:1 program, using YouTube as an instructional tool is a great addition to the Social Studies classroom!Below I've listed some of the best YouTube channels geared toward the Social Studies classroom. Check them out!Crash Course World History ... Read More about 7 Awesome YouTube Channels for Social Studies