With more and more schools going to a 1:1 environment, more and more teachers are uneasy about how their classroom will change. It comes as no surprise that managing a 1:1 classroom can be different than a classroom with thirty students, packed neatly into rows.
Since I found out my school will be getting Chromebooks next year (so excited!), I’ve been brainstorming how management will change in my classroom.
I’m in the process of putting together printables to display in my classroom, that include helpful tips, procedures, and policies that I will employ in my classroom. I’m including this printables as links (created through Google Docs). The following links are provided to you FREE OF CHARGE! I plan to add more soon.
- Accessing Shared Folders in Google Drive
- If your students have trouble remembering how to access their shared folders in Google Drive (like so many do!) this printable may be helpful to display in your classroom…at least until they get the hang of it!
- Sharing a Google Document
- Many of our students have little to no experience with the world of cloud computing through Google. This printable may be helpful for those students struggling with exactly how to share documents through Drive.
- Tips and Tricks in Google Docs
- If I had a dime for every time I heard, “I don’t have to save this?” I could most likely retire. This is a list of tips for students while they’re working with Google docs!
- Email and Password Info
- If your students have trouble remembering their email address and password…this may help, at least until they are used to accessing their account. Schools that have adopted GAFE will most likely use their own domain and have some sort of format for student emails and passwords. I will have this printed in my classroom tomorrow!

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