We’re almost there! Well, I am, at least. We are soooo close to the end of the school year! While I am definitely ready for a break (more so than any time in my career), I find myself with the same feeling I always have at the end of the school year — excitement, of course, but a bit of sadness as I watch another class of “my kids” move on in their education. I know it’s coming and I know to expect it every year, but when the final bell rings this Friday, the last of the “govern-mints” have been eaten, hugs given, and pictures taken, my eyes will likely get a bit watery. One of the challenges that this week brings, however, is staying at least SOMEWHAT engaged during the last few days of school! The end of the year is prime time for content review, and one of my FAVORITE ways to review content digitally is with a trusty favorite … Quizlet!
When using Quizlet, we typically play Quizlet Live and, since the pandemic, we’ve been playing the individual version as opposed to breaking into teams. Earlier this year, Quizlet unveiled the new “Checkpoint” feature that allows teachers to choose which terms from a deck will be used during a Live game. I LOVE this new option because it truly allows me to use Quizlet for formative assessment and tailor instruction to the needs of my students.
In order to “spice up” your Quizlet days, try these activities!
- Stations: Post a QR Code or game code for a variety of Quizlet flashcard decks around your classroom. Allow students to work in groups or individually to review content at each station. Keep track of the top three winners at each station, then award bonus points or XP (check out Chapter 8 of Illuminate for details on how to gamify activities with XP!) to the winners!
- Relay Race: This is my FAVORITE! Create teams (not in Quizlet!) of students and have each team nominate a leader. This leader provides the technology to be used for the team. Have students form a single file line by the device. After each person answers, they rotate to the back of the line!
- Familiy Feud: Designate a team leader to choose an answer for the “family.” Encourage each member of the team to contribute and do the “good answer!” clap when the answer has been selected!
These are just a few of the many ways you can use Quizlet in the classroom … besides a “traditional” game of Quizlet Live!
Thanks for reading 🙂

I have never used Quizlet before, but it looks like a lot of fun to use! I really like the features they offer, especially, the “Family Feud: one! Reminds me of one of my favorite television shows! Thank you for sharing this program! I