Normally, I try to refrain from focusing my posts on my beloved content area, but today I just can’t help it. As more and more schools begin to implement a 1:1 program, using YouTube as an instructional tool is a great addition to the Social Studies classroom!
Below I’ve listed some of the best YouTube channels geared toward the Social Studies classroom. Check them out!
Crash Course World History and US History
This channel is AWESOME for teachers and students! John Green, a noted author and YouTube star describes various aspects of United States and World History in an extremely engaging way. Students are shown visuals and provided with great factual information. These videos would be a great way to preview a chapter or a new topic.
Hip Hughes History
This is a YouTube channel geared toward high school AP students. Keith Hughes provides lecture information in an upbeat and engaging fashion…also a great opening activity for a new unit!
Khan Academy
By now, most people in the world of education have at least heard of the Khan Academy videos. They are GREAT! Most of the videos focus on Math and Science, but there are a few videos on the channel that deal with Social Studies related topics. Khan Academy has a great video on the Electoral College, as well as an overview of American history.
TED – Ed is another popular and extremely helpful channel for Social Studies teachers. Many of the videos are very brief, and all can be used in a variety of ways. The Electoral College video is also great on this channel, as is the video about making the Constitution. Check it out!
The History Teachers use modern songs, and “tweak” them ever so slightly to tell the story of an historical event. The videos are engaging, funny, and informative. What more can you ask for?! Check out the video below about Catherine the Great!
National Archives Channel
This wonderful channel includes everything from preservation of historical documents, to the inner workings of the National Archives building, and even includes some pretty great lectures!
One of the most, if not the most, important YouTube channel for classroom instruction is the channel (or collection of videos) created by YOU, the teacher!
Thanks Ms. Petty for the shout out, I am always happy to be included in a list with John Green and Crash Course.