There are so many Chrome apps available that will greatly benefit any classroom!
Before I explore the apps themselves, I’ve listed some resources about what Chrome apps actually are, and how they can be used, generally speaking, in the classroom environment!
There are so many wonderful Chrome apps you can use within Google Drive. For more information about those apps, check out my Wonderful World of Google post!
There are SO MANY awesome Chrome apps for education, but with today’s post I’ve chosen to highlight apps that I think will benefit TEACHERS!
This is a planner for students and teachers! Store all of your information in this valuable app and access it on any device with Internet connection! Available for Chrome, Windows, and Android devices…and soon for Apple devices!
There are so many apps that teachers can use for implementing the CCSS, and this Chrome app organizes the apps for you! Search for apps by grade level, content, and standard. Great resource!
By using this twitter-like program, teachers create an account and are given a specific “phone number.” Instructions are given through the account for students to sign up to receive text messages from the teacher. The teacher’s actual phone number is never given, and neither are the students! Teachers send out a mass text message, students receive the text, CANNOT reply to the text, and are reminded about important information. Yes, there’s a Chrome app for this awesome program!
There are so many awesome Chrome apps available for use in education! Check back for posts on Chrome apps for classroom content, as well as apps for creating awesome products, coming soon!
Thanks for reading!
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