Many teachers, myself included, create much of the curricular resources we use in our classrooms. A great number of teachers use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to create our documents, and then save those documents on a jump drive or on our computers.
What happens if we lose the jump drive? Or the computer crashes? Many don’t want to entertain this thought because it is utterly TERRIFYING!
A solution to this problem exists…Cloud Storage Systems!
What are Cloud Storage Systems?
Think of a giant cloud hovering over you wherever you go…a happy cloud, though! A cloud that includes ALL OF YOUR DOCUMENTS and resources that you need!
No more jump drives that break and get lost! What a relief!
There are many Cloud Storage Systems available. Below, I highlight my FAVORITE choices!
I LOVE DROPBOX! Before I reacquainted myself with the wonderful world of Google, I used Dropbox for file management. It is fantastic!
Dropbox is EXTREMELY easy to use, and is free (unless you want a ton of storage…then, you pay a fee).
To create a dropbox account, simply go to and click “sign up.” The slogan you see on the homepage really sums up the greatness that is Cloud Storage…”Your stuff, anywhere.”
Once you create an account, you can quickly create folders and upload documents.
Choose to share documents or folders with others using their email addresses. (This is how I share photos with my family!)
Share documents and folders through URL. See my posts about creating QR Codes using source URL’s!
Access your Dropbox virtually ANYWHERE on virtually ANY device! (iOS, Chrome, Android)
Check it out! You won’t be disappointed!
Google DriveComing from a former Google Drive skeptic…I am totally converted! I LOVE Google Drive! Check out my Google Docs Tutorial for info about Google Drive and Google Docs.
Google Drive is also accessible from virtually anywhere, even offline! Google Drive is available for multiple platforms, as well…iOS, Android, and of course, Chrome!
Check it out. It is seriously an amazing tool!
I cannot express through words how amazing Cloud Storage Systems are for educators. Having access to your documents VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE ANYTIME is an amazing feeling!
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Thanks for the great site! I, too, love Dropbox. We were given iPads to use in the classroom (teachers) and I am able to pull up documents at any given time and have students edit on them.
Thanks for reading! Cloud storage systems are lifesavers!