Word Clouds can be used in so many ways in the classroom! And they're so easy to create!There are many Word Cloud generators available, and the program most commonly associated with Word Clouds is Wordle.Below I've listed some other word cloud generators...TagCrowdWord It OutTagulSo, what exactly is a "word cloud?"Word Cloud generators allow the user to copy and paste text into their platform. The ... Read More about Wordle and Word Cloud Generators in Education
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Cloud Storage Systems – Great Teacher Tools!
Many teachers, myself included, create much of the curricular resources we use in our classrooms. A great number of teachers use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to create our documents, and then save those documents on a jump drive or on our computers.What happens if we lose the jump drive? Or the computer crashes? Many don't want to entertain this thought because it is utterly TERRIFYING!A solution ... Read More about Cloud Storage Systems – Great Teacher Tools!
Prezi Tutorial!
If you're interested in learning more about using Prezi in your classroom, check the new Prezi tutorial at the top of the page!Thanks for reading :) ... Read More about Prezi Tutorial!
Try Remind101 in Your Classroom!
Most of our students (especially at the middle and high school level) probably have some type of cell phone. They have their cell phones ALL THE TIME!How can we keep in contact with our students WITHOUT having to make our cell phone numbers public knowledge? Remind101 is the answer!Loads of schools are now providing their students with email accounts, or allow students and teachers to use school ... Read More about Try Remind101 in Your Classroom!
Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!
As many schools are making the jump to digital platforms and 1:1 classrooms, an electronic note-taking tool is a MUST!Most, if not all, of our students have grown up shopping for notebooks, pencils, and folders to use in school. I vividly remember racing down the school supply aisle, throwing Lisa Frank notebooks and folders (and the awesome trapper keepers!) in the cart before my mom noticed!So, ... Read More about Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!