With so many schools going "1:1," many teachers are actively searching for new ways to incorporate technology into their classroom...that's probably why you're here!In my constant search for new technology, or obsessive search if you ask my husband :), I stumbled upon Blendspace, a website and Chrome app that helps teachers integrate technology!I briefly mentioned Blendspace in my Chrome Apps for ... Read More about The Amazing Blendspace!
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Padlet…an AWESOME tool for YOUR classroom!
Sometimes, isn't it nice to incorporate a new tool into your classroom?! I often get comfortable using tools I've used over and over again, and my instructional strategies can feel stale...does this happen to anyone else?!Are you looking for something new? Something to spice up your classroom environment? Then try PADLET!There are so many awesome ways to use padlet in your classroom! So, what is ... Read More about Padlet…an AWESOME tool for YOUR classroom!
QR Codes are everywhere! Billboards, flyers, newspapers, books, on the side of buildings...everywhere! Now, they're making their way into the classroom and they are GREAT!My last post on QR Codes in the Classroom was so popular (thank you!), so I've decided to list some more ideas about creating lessons and activities using QR Codes. I hope you enjoy!In the elementary classroom, QR Codes could ... Read More about QR Code MANIA!
Blogging…in the Classroom?! Yes!
We teach in an increasingly digital and connected world...this statement surely comes as no surprise! Our students are constantly plugged in to Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and all of the latest social media and digital components that have become so important in their lives. As educators, sometimes we see these tools as distracting...which they most definitely can be in the classroom. ... Read More about Blogging…in the Classroom?! Yes!
Using Google Forms in the Classroom
Wow! Google has really awesome apps for classroom use! Many are familiar with Google Docs and Presentation, but using Google Forms is uncharted territory. With my building using Chromebooks next year in our 1:1 initiative, my colleagues and I have been doing TONS of research on how we can best integrate this wonderful new technology into our classrooms. The following is a list of ideas for ... Read More about Using Google Forms in the Classroom