Are you looking for something new? Something to spice up your classroom environment? Then try PADLET!
So, what is padlet?
Padlet is basically a blank piece of awesome technological paper. They call it a “wall.” Add cool backgrounds to your wall. Create a FREE account and edit your wall. Moderate posts on your wall. Choose an address for your padlet wall. Share the link to your wall. Embed your wall. Download the link to your wall as a QR Code. It is AWESOME!
Click here to access my padlet wall for this post and let me know what you think!
There are SO many ways to use padlet in your classroom…
Students can….
use the padlet wall for brainstorming project ideas
respond to Bellringers or opening activities on the padlet wall
use the padlet wall as an exit pass
post questions they have about an assignment
suggest topics to review for a test
post relevant content resources
record information for a research paper
upload documents
add links to websites
work collaboratively with each other…even if they’re not in the same room!
post important school and community activities or events
the possibilities are ENDLESS
Padlet is even available as a Chrome app!
Feel free to respond to this wall as well!
Below are some GREAT articles about padlet in education. Enjoy!
Padlet Technology Resource Teachers–AWESOME ideas on using this great tool!
Thanks for reading! 🙂
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