Teachers and Their ClassroomsWhat’s the first word that pops into your head when you read the following terms? One-room schoolhouse, matronly teacher, chalk, blackboard, quill, inkwell. For me, that term is: OLD SCHOOL.What other terms could we add to that “old school” list? Teacher-centered environment? Rote memorization? Fact regurgitation? Are these aspects of a 21st century classroom? I hope ... Read More about Our Classrooms: Past, Present, and Future
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Looking for a FANTASTIC Note-Taking and Organization Tool?!
Looking for an additional note taking tool for your students to use? Check out Springpad!Springpad, much like Evernote, allows users to create notebooks and notes. UNLIKE Evernote, Springpad users can add a variety of sources including:BooksVideosLinksFilesPhotosRecipes...this would be cool for a FACS class!Television ShowsMovies...and more!Simply search for the desired source, and Springpad finds ... Read More about Looking for a FANTASTIC Note-Taking and Organization Tool?!
Neat Journaling Tool!
Waaay back in the day, when I was in elementary school, I vividly remember journaling. My teacher would pose a prompt, or give us a "free writing day," we would respond to the prompt in our spiral bound notebook journal. I LOVED reading the comments that my teacher included whenever he would grade our journals!There are many tools teachers could use to "techify" this activity, with Google Docs ... Read More about Neat Journaling Tool!
Using Google+ to create a Google Classroom
Google+ is the new (er) guy on the social media scene. It's not quite Facebook, not quite Twitter, but somewhere in between. Using Google+, along with other GAFE features, teachers can create a totally Google classroom, possibly eliminating the need for an additional Learning Management System.Of course, when Google releases Classroom later this year...who knows what will happen!Here are some ways ... Read More about Using Google+ to create a Google Classroom
Review Games…No PowerPoint Templates!
It's the end of the year, and many teachers are preparing their students for some sort of test, whether it be state required, cumulative, or a unit test. As more and more schools are moving to 1:1 environments, many of which will be using Chromebooks, teachers are looking for different review games and activities besides the same Jeopardy PowerPoint template they've been using for years.Below I've ... Read More about Review Games…No PowerPoint Templates!