Hello, friends! If you’ve followed my blog over the last year (thank you!) you’ve probably figured out some pretty exciting news – I wrote a book! A whole book about how to use technology to illuminate learning! I’m so excited to share it with you – be sure to sign up for the mailing list to be notified when Illuminate is available! I wanted to share with you a quick glimpse into what you can expect from Illuminate and why in the world I wanted to go on the journey of writing a book!
You’re already super-busy … how do you have time to write a book?!
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this question, I could retire yesterday. Yes, I am super-busy … in addition to being a full-time high school Social Studies teacher, I’m also an adjunct instructor of Educational Technology, a blogger (duh, right?!), a contributor for several educational blogs and, most importantly, Mommy to two fabulous little girls and wife to a pretty amazing husband. So, did I really have time? Not really, but in order to do something we are really compelled to do, we have to make time. So, I made time!
I knew I wanted to share practical tips and tricks for how teachers can use technology to enhance student learning, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to share that in a book in a way that would make sense and actually be user-friendly. I think that teachers can quickly turn off the idea that technology can be used positively in the classroom because sometimes, we market technology as the cure-all, silver bullet that will fix all of your problems. And, if teachers don’t use all the technology all the time, it’s a bad thing. One focus of my book is that it’s NOT about the technology, rather it’s how you USE it to enhance student learning. Pedagogy first; technology second.
My husband and I took our daughters on a vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina last summer and because they’re 7 and 5 years old, we have to take turns going into “the big waves” as our daughters call it. While I was floating in the ocean, letting the waves carry me back and forth, it hit me. I’m chalking this up to one of the many “God things” that happen in my life on a daily basis. I decided to set up my book, similar to how I teach my Educational Technology class – not by the technology that is used but how we can use technology to accomplish learning in our classroom. How can we use technology to help our students engage in or explore content? How can we use technology to encourage our students to communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically? How can we use technology to assess our students, and encourage them to reflect upon what they’ve learned? How can technology help us motivate and encourage our students? How can teachers use technology to create meaningful connections with other teachers? I immediately ran back to the beach to share this revelation with my husband and, as he typically responds to my geekiness, he said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m happy that you’re excited about it!” I’m telling you, he’s awesome.
What can you expect from Illuminate?
Expect 10 chapters that are full of ideas for how you can use technology to:
- Engage in and Explore content
- Create
- Communicate
- Collaborate
- Think Critically
- Reflect
- Assess
- Motivate
- Connect
- Design
I include specific instructions and ideas for using technology to enhance learning. You’ll also find helpful images, QR Codes that lead to additional information, and words of encouragement. I am SO excited to share Illuminate with you!!
Order Illuminate here!
Thank you so much for reading 🙂
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