Looking for another flipped video activity? Check out my Stoplight Assignment!This is a Google Doc, so it can be easily embedded into your class website, sent to your students assignment folders using Doctopus, or simply shared with your students.The first section of the Stoplight Activity provides the students with note-taking space. If you'd like to adjust the space available, or add a skeletal ... Read More about Stoplight Flipped Learning Activity
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Reteaching in the Flipped Classroom
As I rewatch the "Check Yo Self" virtual session from FlipCon14, I'm struck by something the presenters said, "don't reteach," and I TOTALLY agree with it.Let me back up. The presenters did not say that teachers should never go over concepts with students. Their point (at least my take-a-way) is that teachers shouldn't repeat what was in their videos. Doing so might discourage students from ... Read More about Reteaching in the Flipped Classroom
Flipped Video Creation: Teacher Created Videos…Yes or No?
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey found at my last post. I must say I am VERY surprised by the results!Here's the breakdown:18% of respondents believe that teachers MUST be present in flipped videos24% of respondents felt that if the teacher could be present in the videos, then they should do so48% of respondents believe that teacher presence in a flipped video is not ... Read More about Flipped Video Creation: Teacher Created Videos…Yes or No?
Teacher Presence in Flipped Videos: What Do YOU Think?
The 4th of July has come and gone, and with it the first half of our summer. Sigh. It seems as though the weeks after we celebrate Independence Day fly by even quicker than those earlier in the summer. Before we know it, back to school we shall go!This year, I find myself almost EXCITED to begin the school year. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to going back to school each year ... though ... Read More about Teacher Presence in Flipped Videos: What Do YOU Think?
Share Websites with Your Students with urlist!
If you're like me, you are NOT satisfied with your textbook resources, and most likely rely upon them very little, if at all. They're outdated. They're stale. They don't engage the students. What then do you do? What resources do you share with your students?We turn to the wonderful world wide web! In our technology rich age, we have a wealth of wonderful up-to-date information at our fingertips, ... Read More about Share Websites with Your Students with urlist!