Hey, friends! Happy … Thursday? It is Thursday, right? Who really knows! Working from home while homeschooling my daughters has been an absolute blessing, but I’d be lying if I told you that it’s been easy. I’m learning so many things about myself and my daughters during this time at home – like there’s a reason that I’m a high school teacher and not an elementary teacher! I’ve seen them play so well together throughout these first few days, which has made my heart smile for sure I’m also in a weird spot mentally – I’m at home all day, so I feel like I should be working around my house like I would on a Saturday or Sunday. I bounce around like a ball in a pinball machine – I start off folding a load of laundry, get about halfway through and then get thirsty and make another cup of coffee, then start posting assignments and resources for my students, then work with my daughters on remote learning, then do the dishes, then realize I need to switch the wash but I need a clean laundry basket … it’s an endless cycle! Please tell me I’m not alone! I miss my students and my routine, but I’m so thankful for the resources we have that allow help us with distance and remote teaching <3
A few days ago, I started getting Facebook messages and emails from teachers around the world, asking for advice and resources for teaching online. As you know, I’m a high school Social Studies teacher and I’m fortunate enough to teach in a technology-rich environment. I started responding to messages and sharing resources as quickly as I could because I want to help any way I can! Instead of sharing assignments, activities, and individually, I thought a Google Classroom section might be easier. This will allow me to organize resources a bit more efficiently
If you’re interested in joining other teachers as we navigate these new and uncertain times, please fill out this SUPER brief form! I’ll email you the code to join soon
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