Have you ever had a class period like this?Teacher: Today, our objective is to analyze the Articles of Confederation, noting strengths and weaknesses of the form of government. The Articles of Confederation w---Student 1: Can you spell that?Student 2: Can you repeat what you just said?Teacher (frustrated already): Yes, A-R-T-I-C-L-E-S of C-O-N-F-E-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. Our goal is to find strengths and ... Read More about Intentional Instruction…A Pillar of the Flipped Classroom
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Great Tool for your Flipped Classroom
I've talked before about the amazing potential and uses of EDpuzzle in the flipped classroom...utilize instructional videos from a wealth of Internet resources and upload teacher created flipped videoscrop videosadd voice instructions to videosembed questions in the videoshare video lesson with students via link or email embed video into blog or class websiteToday, I was finally able to use ... Read More about Great Tool for your Flipped Classroom
Flipping my High School Social Studies Classroom…Updated!
Do you ever feel inundated by the paper flow in education? I certainly do.Even though I use Google Classroom to distribute, collect, grade, and return assignments to my students, I still feel like I'm constantly reading notes or accountability activities to make sure that my students have actually done what I've asked them to do!! I asked myself earlier this week whether or not I'm grading their ... Read More about Flipping my High School Social Studies Classroom…Updated!
Create Memes for Your Classroom!
As I was perusing Pinterest last night, I stumbled upon a great post from Laura Randazzo's blog, Solutions for the Secondary Classroom...and I LOVE IT!We've all seen those hilarious, sometimes inappropriate memes on social media, and so have our students.We love them. Our students love them. Why not use them as attention grabbers to help our students connect with the content or remember classroom ... Read More about Create Memes for Your Classroom!
Flipping the Social Studies Classroom Resource Page
Check out this new page to access videos and activities I use in my flipped classroom!If you're looking for new information about flipping the Social Studies classroom...from a teacher's perspective...check out my new ebook, Flipping the High School Social Studies Classroom, available on Amazon now!! ... Read More about Flipping the Social Studies Classroom Resource Page