Next year, our building will become a 1:1 learning environment, which is incredibly exciting and overwhelming. The 1:1 learning environment is a term constantly circulating in the world of education, and the shift this movement will create in education is a little unsettling. Our students will be able to access information at the push of a button, which will cause the role of the teacher to drastically change. We will no longer be considered the “gatekeepers of knowledge” and will shift more to a facilitator of knowledge, a change that will be difficult for many to grasp. In an effort to learn as much as possible about 1:1 technology learning environments, I’ve been reading articles, books, and doing an insane amount of Pinteresting 🙂 These are a few websites I’ve found extremely helpful for EFFECTIVELY adopting the 1:1 model, and actively embracing the wealth of information available at our students’ fingertips.
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