With the huge emphasis being placed on reading and writing in every classroom through Common Core standards, teachers are looking for ways to integrate ELA skills in new ways.
Here’s a project idea that involves, reading, writing, speaking, and 21st century technology skills!
Students can then copy and paste their QR Code on a class blog or website, or print and post around the school to encourage other students to read!
- Create a multimedia presentation (Canva, Piktochart, Google Presentation, Prezi, etc)
- Students can include brief talking points on their presentation, such as…
- an important quote from the book
- a “Twitterfied” review of the book (140 characters or less)
- an image of the book
- Create a screencasted video of the presentation with student discussing
- Students can use a free tool such as Screencastify, which is my personal favorite, to create a screencast of them discussing the book they read. Teachers can place time requirements on the video based on their students’ grade level.
- Create a QR Code of the screencast
- Students can choose to upload their screencast to YouTube or simply store it in their Google Drive. From there, students can EASILY create a QR Code for their video by accessing www.qrstuff.com or a comparable website if your school blocks qrstuff.

This type of project would work very well in a 1:1 environment where all students have access to a device that can create a screencast. Instead of screencasting, students could create a brief video on their smartphone or other electronic device. Students could then create a QR Code from their video, and copy and paste that code in their multimedia presentation!
I love QR Codes…can you tell?!
Thanks for reading 🙂
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