I’m still sifting through the wonderful resources I learned about at METC this year. Such an awesome conference!
In Glenn Wiebe’s session about Social Studies tech, I learned about Start Me, a great tool to use to create a class “landing page” or a place to share resources with your students.
Not only does Start Me allow users to create a, for lack of a better phrase, “starting” page for virtually anything, it also provides awesome widgets that can be added to each page.
Adding widgets to your Start Me gives you the opportunity to direct readers to important links, events available via Google Calendar, and…something that I am most excited about…widgets that connect readers to CURRENT EVENTS sites!
Awesome, right?
Previously, I wrote about a great tool, paper.li, which is a content curating tool, providing an experience similar to the current events widgets of Start Me. The only issue with paper.li, you ask? (Check out my post on paper.li here)
It was blocked at school.
I think I’ll be back to work tomorrow after a week long “snow-cation,” and will test this site with my students. Hopefully, they can access my Start Me page!
I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
If you’re interested in using Start Me and would like to view my page, please click here. Imagine all of the wonderful conversations that can arise from these curated articles from reputable sources!
Thanks for reading
I really like the ease of use with Start.me and the quick access to current events. Good luck as you try it with kids!