Wow! There are so many awesome Chrome apps that would benefit students in most any classroom! The apps listed below are incredible for managing information and creating amazing products. Enjoy!
Take notes WHILE watching a video! The notes are “time-stamped” so the student knows at what point in the video their notes were taken! This links with Google Drive…so they can access their notes ALL THE TIME!!
All in one planner…for Chrome!
The awesome note-taking app…is also for Chrome!InstaGrok
A whole new type of search engine! Students can search for a specific concept, and see how other relevant topics connect to their search. Wow!
Great blogging service for students…available in Chrome!
Students can dictionary and thesaurus resources right from their Chrome browser!!
Allows users to record quick notes about anything…that are accessible on any device!
Google Apps Script
Build your own web applications!!!
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