Happy Sunday! I was home Friday with a sick kiddo and, though I thought I would be able to start planning for my online course (that starts on Monday) while she rested, I didn’t … we snuggled and napped, and I’m perfectly fine with that! While I was prepping for my sub at 6:00 yesterday morning, I realized that one of my advanced government classes was at the perfect point in our unit for a current events article review. I feel like I do a less than awesome job in my classroom of highlighting current events because I just have SO much content! So … I created this current events article template to use not only for class yesterday, but throughout the year for extension opportunities.
It seems as though, in our current political climate, we’re confronted with “breaking news” ALL THE TIME. Quite frankly, it’s exhausting! Instead of telling my students to choose a current events article – which probably would have taken the entire class period for them to do! – I provided them with a few articles from which to choose. While they were reading, they completed the current events article template and submitted it before the class period ended.
Students who prefer to create a screencast, infographic, or other product to demonstrate what they have learned could most definitely do so including components of the current events template.
The articles students were able to choose from when completing this assignment ranged from the recent increase in age to buy tobacco products to the resolution passed by the House of Representatives to curb President Trump’s war powers dealing with Iran.
If you’re interested in using this template in your classroom, please feel free to do so! Check it out here!
Have a great week!
thank you for these fantastic resources! I’m going to use your current events template for my Spanish natives class.