Hello and happy Friday! I'm writing to you today from the comfort of my kitchen table - yup, that's right! I took the day off! This hardly ever happens, but honestly, I'm not really "off" (are teachers ever really "off?!") ... I'm at home catching up on grading, guest posts for other blogs, videos for my upcoming online course (yay!!!), and finally sharing Episode 3 of my podcast, Try This ... Read More about Try This Tomorrow Podcast – Fight End-of-the-Year-itis
Guest Post Guidelines
Encourage Collaboration with This Padlet Format
Happy Monday! It's sunny and 70 degrees in my neck of the woods, which makes staying motivated in the classroom a challenge for my students AND their dear teacher :) Please tell me I'm not alone! This will be the first summer in about 5 years that I haven't taught a face-to-face summer school class, and I'm really looking forward to being able to sleep, drink coffee on my patio, and take afternoon ... Read More about Encourage Collaboration with This Padlet Format
April Mystery Post – Teaching with Technology
It's April! Can you believe it?! I feel like this school year has literally flown by and I'll be dipping my toes in the Gulf of Mexico sand before I know it! We're only a few days beyond the beginning of the month, so I'm not SUPER late in sharing the Teaching with Technology mystery post ... right?! Without further adieu, here it is! DRUMROLL, PLEASE.... The topic of the April Mystery ... Read More about April Mystery Post – Teaching with Technology
Remembering My Why – Teaching with Technology
Happy Saturday, friends!! You made it to the end of the week! I'm writing to you today from my kitchen counter, feeling so glad to finally be home after a whirlwind week of speaking at seminars throughout the eastern part of the United States. When I say whirlwind, I really mean WHIRLWIND week! I flew from STL to Chicago and then to Rhode Island on Sunday, presented an all-day session in ... Read More about Remembering My Why – Teaching with Technology
Create Smartphone Apps with Google Sheets
Hello, friends! Do you ever stumble upon an app, site, or tool and have no earthly clue how you got there, but are totally thrilled that you did? That is 100% what I'm feeling right now as I write to you today about Glide - a super fantastic tool that lets ANYONE create smartphone apps with Google Sheets WITHOUT CODING. That's right. Create an app without coding. YAY!!! Here's how it works: ... Read More about Create Smartphone Apps with Google Sheets