As a Google Apps Script novice, I am just stumbling upon Goobric. I've successfully launched gClassFolders (love it) and Doctopus (love it), and finally fixed a rubric to use with Goobric.If you're thinking about trying Goobric, here are a few tips for your rubric creationLeave cell A-1 BLANK When I originally created the rubric, I included a column title in cell A-1...don't do won't ... Read More about Goobric, gClassFolders, and Doctopus: Great Tools for Teachers
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gClassFolders…try it!
The first time your students access Google Drive, it's probably going to be rough. Most of them have never accessed Google Drive before, and are used to Microsoft products. Am I right?Today, my students completed an assignment through Google Drive for the first time, and it was unbelievably successful! The gClassFolders individual folders were absolutely wonderful.Below are a few things that my ... Read More about gClassFolders…try it! at Home and School!
If you watch Disney Junior or Nick Junior as much as I do, then you have most likely seen a commercial for! If your kids use an iPad or iPhone as much as mine do, you have most likely come across the ABCmouse app!If you teach young children, or have young children, you seriously have to check out this program!ABCmouse is developed by distinguished educators and is FUN for kids to use. ... Read More about at Home and School!
Google Docs Add-Ons: Helpful for Students and Teachers!
Are your students using Google Docs? Do they use EasyBib to cite their sources? Good news! EasyBib is now a Google Doc add-on!How do most of your students actively read documents? Do they use highlighters? Post-It notes? Check out the Texthelp Highlighting Tools add-on for Google Docs! Do your students miss the clipart from Microsoft Word? Worry no more, open clipart is now an add-on for Google ... Read More about Google Docs Add-Ons: Helpful for Students and Teachers!
Google Drive, gClass, and Shared Files
I'm beginning my journey with gClassFolders, and its working very well.My students and I encountered a slight issue today...not with the script, just with navigating Google Drive. If your students aren't familiar with Drive, you may experience similar issues.All of my students can access their gClassFolder created specifically for them and their assignments. This folder is awesome because only the ... Read More about Google Drive, gClass, and Shared Files