Happy New Year! Thank goodness, right? What a year, 2020! I hope you were able to have fun ringing in 2021 and maybe, you even stayed up late enough to watch the ball drop in NYC? My husband and I were able to enjoy dinner at my favorite restaurant (everyone was masked and seating was socially distanced, don’t worry!) while my daughters and my nephew spent the night with my parents. As we were leaving my parents’ house, my mom asked what our plans were for the night. I said, “a 6:30 dinner reservation and probably in my pajamas by 8.” And … I was right! Gone are the days of staying up to watch the ball drop in my household, and I’m totally ok with that! A few years ago, I started choosing a word to guide me into the new year instead of choosing a resolution. I’ve rarely had success with a resolution, but choosing one word as a focus throughout the year has been fantastic!
In 2018, I chose to focus on BETTER throughout the year. I was starting to refocus on my health and fitness efforts, and being a BETTER version of me for everyone in my life.
In 2019, my word was GRIT, which really piggybacks from BETTER. In 2019, I focused on continuing to strive to be the person I wanted to be.
In 2020, my word was PROGRESS because I was happy with the steps and accomplishments I was making and wanted to continue to do so.
What’s my “one word” for 2021?
Drumroll, please …
Throughout 2021, my focus word will be …
Yup! That’s right! By choosing INTENTIONAL to be my #oneword for 2021, my goal is to continue to be better, live my life with grit, and make progress in all areas of my life by being INTENTIONAL.
INTENTIONAL in my time in my Bible.
INTENTIONAL with my family.
INTENTIONAL in making good choices for my physical and mental health.
INTENTIONAL when my feet hit the floor each morning!
While 2020 was definitely unprecedented and uncertain, my family and I found many blessings throughout the year. We were able to enjoy so much time together during the shutdown of March-May. I snuggled, played outside, crafted, and napped with my daughters who were in 1st and 3rd grade at the time – we hadn’t spent so much time together during the school year since maternity leave! I was able to teach from the comfort of my basement while wearing running shorts and a hoodie. I started my Specialist degree – because what else do you do during a pandemic?! – and was able to continue presenting seminars, webinars, and workshops to teachers all over the country. My students talked my into making a TikTok account and were THRILLED when one of my videos reached 1 million views (they say that makes me TikTok famous?). I wrote and published my 2nd book, Create, in 2020, and found out that I’ll be getting another nephew! I was accepted into the Google Innovator Academy, which had long been a goal of mine, was chosen as the Missouri Council for the Social Studies Secondary Teacher of the Year, and learned that I had been nominated for two additional state awards in education. I’ve been so blessed!
So, while 2020 was definitely one for the history books (goodness, can you imagine having to TEACH about the events of 2020? I’ll be retired before then!), my family and I are safe and healthy, which means I have SO much to be thankful for. I’m ready to take on 2021 with an intentional mindset!
Blessings to you and your family for an amazing 2021!
We have a local jewelry designer who offers half-price specials on personalized “Word of the Year” items. I actually have 2 from previous years: Complete & Called. The words came from my commitment to serving God in my work as well as in mission opportunities. You may not believe this, but my word for this year is INTENTIONAL! I think it’s super cool & just confirms that I’ve made the right choice!
Fantastic, Pam!!