Hello, all! Happy Wednesday! While I’ve had a fantastic winter break, I definitely grumbled last night as I set my alarm for 4:50 AM! Breaks never seem to be long enough and I never seem to accomplish everything I plan to. Please tell me you feel my pain! However, with enough FOCUS, I know I can tackle the year ahead. It’s time to share my One Word for 2023! Let’s FOCUS!
Ok, so maybe I let my Word slip a little bit in my intro … did you catch the word I chose? I’m sure if you FOCUS on the first paragraph of this post, you’ll figure it out! Ok, enough jokes … it’s early and I found out yesterday afternoon that I have strep throat, so give me a break!
If you’ve followed my blog for a bit (thanks!) you know that I’m NOT a fan of New Year’s resolutions. In the past, when I’ve made resolutions, I notoriously slip up within a few days and then feel too defeated to pick up and try again. SO…a few years ago I decided to choose a word to FOCUS on throughout the year. Ok … I threw in one more joke -ha! Choosing a word instead of making a resolution helps me feel like I can easily insert the term into my day in a variety of ways. Instead of “I want to work out and eat better,” which only applies to one facet of my life, I can say “I want to FOCUS more on _____” and feel like I can make positive changes in all areas!
In case you haven’t guessed … my word of the year is FOCUS!
I want to FOCUS on …
– being present with my family
– being intentional with my Bible study and devotions
– reading more to improve
– reading more for FUN
– writing more to share and reflect
– dialing in my nutrition
– continuing my workout routine
– continuing my daily runs and weekly 5ks (last Sunday was my 109th weekly 5k in a ROW!)
See what I mean? Choosing one word for the year presents endless possibilities!
What’s your word for 2023?
Thanks for reading 🙂

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