Word CollageLooking for a word cloud generator on your iPad? Check this out! Copy and paste information from nearly any source into this app, and voila! Well worth the .99!Explain a Website This wonderful app comes from the genius minds of the creators of Explain Everything. I love Explain Everything, and I love Explain a Website! Simply enter an active website into the address bar, and hit enter. ... Read More about MORE Awesome APPS!
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Classroom Management in a BYOD Environment
When my school allowed students to bring their own devices to the classroom...and use those devices for educational purposes, I was ecstatic! All of the neat things I'd wanted to do with technology, but couldn't because my students couldn't access technology...I could implement those activities! So exciting!Typically, when I get excited about trying a new strategy in my classroom, I only think ... Read More about Classroom Management in a BYOD Environment
Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!
As many schools are making the jump to digital platforms and 1:1 classrooms, an electronic note-taking tool is a MUST!Most, if not all, of our students have grown up shopping for notebooks, pencils, and folders to use in school. I vividly remember racing down the school supply aisle, throwing Lisa Frank notebooks and folders (and the awesome trapper keepers!) in the cart before my mom noticed!So, ... Read More about Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!
Using paper.li in the Classroom!
Have you ever wanted to put organized, relevant current events content in the hands of your students? Sometimes, it can be a little scary to set our students free on the Internet...I might ask my students to "locate information relating to the violence in Ukraine," and remind them to use reputable sources. Who really knows what kind of information they are accessing?Check out paper.li!This website ... Read More about Using paper.li in the Classroom!
Chrome Apps for Education: Teachers
There are so many Chrome apps available that will greatly benefit any classroom! Before I explore the apps themselves, I've listed some resources about what Chrome apps actually are, and how they can be used, generally speaking, in the classroom environment!About AppsAbout Extensions10 Free Google Chrome Extensions Teachers Should Try15+ Great Chrome Extensions for TeachersChrome Web Store for ... Read More about Chrome Apps for Education: Teachers