I'm in the process of creating a review activity for my students' Constitution tests. This test always seems to incite an anxious feeling among my students...most likely because it is a test that they are required to pass in order to graduate. Yikes!In order to ease potential fears and avert panic attacks, I assure my students that we will spend a great deal of class time preparing for the test, ... Read More about Blendspace: Awesome Review Idea!
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When Should Students View Flipped Videos: Survey Results
Thank you so much for your opinions on the very important topic of students viewing flipped videos!In order for a flipped classroom to be effective, teachers must emphasize and convey the importance of actively viewing instructional videos.If students consistently fail to view the instructional videos, they will most likely be unsuccessful in the course.As I asked in my previous post about flipped ... Read More about When Should Students View Flipped Videos: Survey Results
Flipped Classroom: In-Class or Out-of-Class Videos
Well folks, it is safe to say that I have completely and totally jumped into the flipped classroom model. I am officially on the bandwagon. In fact, I'm so much in love with the concept that I can't imagine reverting to the sage on the stage model I previously used!Using the flipped classroom model, I am free to actually help students understand concepts that are addressed in our class. I can help ... Read More about Flipped Classroom: In-Class or Out-of-Class Videos
Google Classroom: Exciting Updates!
As I was reading Free Tech 4 Teachers, written by the wonderful Richard Byrne, I learned about new features that have FINALLY been added to Google Classroom!Has Google finally added all of the features I and so many other teachers desperately want? Sadly, no.However, some really great changes have finally been made!Teachers can finally choose if their students names will be displayed "First Name, ... Read More about Google Classroom: Exciting Updates!
Analyzing Primary Sources Using Google Chat, Google Docs, and Google Classroom
Do your students LOVE reading primary sources? Do they get so excited that they just can't concentrate on anything else? Do they love reading and analyzing the English language of yesteryear?I didn't think so.Like many of you reading, I believe that students should be able to analyze primary sources in high school. They just should. With the emphasis on Common Core standards, teachers are likely ... Read More about Analyzing Primary Sources Using Google Chat, Google Docs, and Google Classroom