I am so excited about flipping my classroom!I have been lucky enough to attend some pretty amazing workshops this year dealing with flipping. I have been sifting through all of the resources and trying to come up with a game plan for my flip. Here's what I have so far...What to flip?I currently teach many sections of American Government, which is a state tested area...eek! From my research and ... Read More about Flipping!
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Pocket: A Great Tool for Teachers and Students!
I've blogged about how much I love Pocket before, but haven't given much thought to its many classroom uses. And there are MANY!First of all, if you're not familiar with Pocket, here's a quick rundown of the basics of this great app:It is FREE!It's available on iOS and Android devicesThe Chrome app is AWESOME and runs offline!Easily add articles, videos, and almost anything you can think of to ... Read More about Pocket: A Great Tool for Teachers and Students!
Hanging Indents in Google Docs
Are your students struggling with making the jump from Microsoft Word to Google Docs?One of the biggest issues my students are having is creating a hanging indent on a Google Doc. If this sounds like your class, click here for a printable for your classroom! (This is also included in the EdTech Printable page)If you'd like a brief YouTube explanation of this process, please see my screencast ... Read More about Hanging Indents in Google Docs
Cool Tool Alert! Check out EDpuzzle!
Wow! Have you tried EDpuzzle?Are you looking for a way to incorporate educational videos into your classroom? Maybe, you find a great movie, and only want your students to see a small part of the video. EDpuzzle is the answer!Would you like your students to utilize 21st century skills...such as video editing? Project-based learning? Check out EDpuzzle!EDpuzzle is a Chrome app, but will work on ... Read More about Cool Tool Alert! Check out EDpuzzle!
EdTech Printables for Your Classroom
With more and more schools going to a 1:1 environment, more and more teachers are uneasy about how their classroom will change. It comes as no surprise that managing a 1:1 classroom can be different than a classroom with thirty students, packed neatly into rows.Since I found out my school will be getting Chromebooks next year (so excited!), I've been brainstorming how management will change in my ... Read More about EdTech Printables for Your Classroom