Today, I want to branch out into other forms of social media and emphasize their place in the world of education!
Though I am a new “tweeter,” I have definitely embraced the many ways Twitter can be used for educational purposes. Students can create Twitter accounts as an historical figure…taking on the role of Martin Luther, for example, as he drafted and posted the 95 Theses, or Jackie Kennedy as she boarded Air Force One back from Dallas. Students could use their own Twitter accounts to keep up with current events and global issues…following CNN or other news sources or reporters, which allows them to learn about history as it actually happens, when it happens!
I LOVE PINTEREST! I know many other teachers have this same love for the source of so many ideas. Many of us use Pinterest to learn about new techniques to use in our classroom, however, our students can benefit (educationally) from this tool as well! Students could create boards that include sources for a research paper, a board for an important historical event or person…collect and evaluate information for virtually any educational purpose!
10 Ways to Use Pinterest in the Classroom – THIS IS AWESOME!
There are so many ways that teachers could use social media to benefit and engage their students educationally. Students desperately need guidance, however, when it comes to utilizing social media in positive and effective ways. What better place to teach those skills, than in the classroom?!
Check back soon for a new post on the benefits of backchanneling in the classroom!
Thanks for reading!
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