Happy Monday, friends! My family and I just returned from our week at the beach and, with the exception of the gross seaweed we swam with (ewwww!) it was a pretty relaxing vacation! We love our time in Destin/Miramar Beach each year and were able to fly instead of drive like we normally do – let me tell you! That hour and twenty-minute flight was MUCH more relaxing than the 13-hour drive! (Fingers crossed we continue flying … my husband prefers to drive, so we’ll see!) I’m excited to share a new partnership my little blog has entered into with DELL! That’s right! I’m thrilled to be able to offer my readers a discount on Dell products for teachers and students!
If you’re interested in these discounts on Dell products, please click here or go to dell.com/teachingwithtechnology to access your deals. The great folks at Dell asked me to remind my readers to be sure to use the special link AND that the discounts will be applied at checkout.
Let me know what kind of deals you score on this special page!
Have a great day and thanks for reading 🙂

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