Every year, when I teach the Legislative Branch, I feel like I discuss the filibuster the same exact way. Yes, the filibuster is a stalling tactic. Yes, this option is only available in the Senate. Yes, you can end a filibuster with a vote for cloture, which requires 3/5 of the members present to agree its time to vote on the bill. Yes, Strom Thurmond forever carved his name into the history ... Read More about Using Padlet to Teach the Filibuster in my Flipped Classroom
How to Create Online Courses with Schoology
As you've most likely figured out...I love Schoology! This is seriously an amazing Learning Management System, and I'm learning and uncovering more exciting options as I use it. This semester, I'm undertaking a huge challenge: teaching 6 classes in a "face to face" environment, and two different independent study courses...neither of which include content I teach during the day. I simply ... Read More about How to Create Online Courses with Schoology
EDpuzzle…It’s Even Better!
If you thought you loved EDpuzzle before, you're in for a great surprise!EDpuzzle has recently launched a Chrome extension, allowing teachers to easily select and edit YouTube videos!Simply add the extension to your Chrome browser. Then, search YouTube for an awesome video to share with your students. The extension adds an edit option to YouTube. When selected, this option allows the YouTube video ... Read More about EDpuzzle…It’s Even Better!
Create Bibliographies with RefME
Definitely share this FREE tool with your students!I stumbled upon RefME today as I was searching for an app for my kiddos...and I'm so glad I did!RefME is an extremely easy to use bibliography creation tool. Users simply create a FREE account and begin to create their bibliography. It is really that simple.The RefME iOS app syncs user's bibliographies, allowing you and your students to add ... Read More about Create Bibliographies with RefME
Online Courses: The Future of Education?
Online courses...I, as well as many of you completed them during undergrad or grad work. Sometimes we loved them. Sometimes we hated them.Online courses are awesome for busy people who can't devote hours out of their day to sit in a classroom, and then devote even more time to their studies outside of the classroom. This, friends, is exactly why I completed my graduate work online...through ... Read More about Online Courses: The Future of Education?