Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving break? Did you eat too much turkey and pumpkin pie? Did you spend your time resting and watching football, or perusing Pinterest and EdTech blogs for cool new tools for your classroom???I personally did a little of both :)I've written before about the amazing review game tool that is Flippity. It uses Google Drive to simply create fantastic flashcards and matching ... Read More about Awesome Review Game!
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Diigo in my Social Studies Classroom
My students are still actively interacting with the wonderful historical film, "Lincoln," in our American Government through Padlet walls, and its going remarkably well!Each day, I've asked my students to record their thoughts on a specific features of the movie or characters and locate reliable Internet resources to compare the movie depictions to the actual people/events. This has kept my ... Read More about Diigo in my Social Studies Classroom
Flippin’ Classroom Update: Proof that this works!
In my American Government class yesterday, students were reviewing the structure of the Constitution, when the topic of amending the Constitution came up.I took that opportunity to discuss with my students the extremely detailed and complex methods through which the Constitution can be amended.I drew a chart on the board, the students created a chart in their notes, and we talked about how the ... Read More about Flippin’ Classroom Update: Proof that this works!
EDpuzzle in the Flipped Classroom: Updated
Wow! Two posts in one day? That hasn't happened in months!I'm sure you know how I feel...absolutely swamped!I felt the need to share a brief update about using EDpuzzle in the classroom.I absolutely love this tool, and my students are responding well to it, too. However, for the past few weeks, I have had one or two students in each of my classes who have been unable to view the video on EDpuzzle ... Read More about EDpuzzle in the Flipped Classroom: Updated
Why you should be a connected educator
Happy Connected Educator month!In case you didn't know, October 2014 is Connected Educator month. What is a connected educator, you ask?Connected educators are teachers who realize the importance of utilizing and embracing 21st century concepts (digital citizenship, new technologies to enhance learning, etc) and are willing to think outside the typical professional development box. This ... Read More about Why you should be a connected educator