Wow, it's been too long since my last post! I'm sure you all can sympathize...a new school year is upon us, forcing us out of our summer relaxation, back to the world of being on time, meeting deadlines, and the most important task of all: educating and inspiring young people!It's no wonder teachers are exhausted :)As I've began using Google Classroom, I've noticed a few things I thought I'd ... Read More about Google Classroom Update
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Flipped Video and Activity!
Well...the time has come! Tomorrow, my students will be completing their first flipped video module! I'm nervous and excited :)My students will be viewing Foundations and Formations of Government 1 and will complete the Stoplight Activity as they watch the video. Please feel free to check these activities out and use them in your classroom!To prevent confusion...I made a copy of my Stoplight ... Read More about Flipped Video and Activity!
Getting to Know Your Students we are! The first day of school is upon us. My summer FLEW by and I don't know if I accomplished ANYTHING I set out to do.Every year, it seems like I start out with the exact same activity on the first day. "Please complete this index card, making sure to include the following information...your name, your parent's name and contact information, blah blah blah." I don't know why I do ... Read More about Getting to Know Your Students
1:1 Classroom Discussion Boards
The new school year is literally right around the corner for less than a week away. This is the time of year that I go into my classroom to "work" and find myself typing at the computer for a few minutes, then changing something on a bulletin board, then mindlessly picking up scraps on the floor and really not getting anything accomplished. Please tell me I'm not the only teacher that ... Read More about 1:1 Classroom Discussion Boards
The Flipped Classroom: Selling the Concept to Students
As we race toward the a new school year, I am excited to begin my flipped classroom journey. Excited...and a little apprehensive.Why apprehensive you ask? I'm worried that my students will be reluctant to jump on board the flipped classroom train! Whew...I said it. ;)Since the flipped classroom concept is likely to be completely foreign to my it is to many...I have this feeling that ... Read More about The Flipped Classroom: Selling the Concept to Students