"Don't wait for someone to create PD for you. Create the PD you deserve." Jennie Magiera ISTE 2014This is SO incredibly true. How much do teachers actually retain from sitting in a room with colleagues for hours on end, listening to someone drone on about a new concept or technique? I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds their mind wandering to...grading, lesson planning, Facebook, Twitter, ... Read More about Create Your Own Professional Development!
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Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Flipped Classroom
As I reflect upon what I learned by virtually attending FlipCon14 last week, one things that really stuck with me is a discussion on Bloom's Taxonomy in the flipped classroom.As we have heard from nearly every education professor in the world, we should strive to assess the upper levels of Bloom's. We want the students to apply and analyze and evaluate and create! And, most of the time we expect ... Read More about Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Flipped Classroom
3-2-1…Hold Students Accountable!
How great was FlipCon14?! I was lucky enough to attend "virtually" and listen in on some awesome sessions. I excitedly texted my husband and parents when Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams' session started, feeling like a teenager at a boy band concert because, as I told my mother, "they're the original flippers!" She of course replied, "isn't that from the twenties?" No, mom..those would be flappers ... Read More about 3-2-1…Hold Students Accountable!
Cool Presentation Tool, Haiku Deck!
I've just finished researching this awesome tool, and I can tell you I can't wait to use it in my classroom. Check out Haiku Deck!You may be thinking...I don't need another presentation tool! I use PowerPoint or Keynote or Prezi, and they work fine!You're right, they work very well. While Haiku Deck is a presentation tool, I think it's a little different than those mentioned above that we use in ... Read More about Cool Presentation Tool, Haiku Deck!
Summer Professional Development
Have you heard any of the following?"Teachers only work part of the year.""You teachers get the whole summer off.""The rest of the world has to work in June and July."I've heard this since I became a teacher. I heard this as a child because my mom is a teacher. It never seemed to me. though, that Mom took any time off in the summer. She's always in her classroom or researching new ways to reach ... Read More about Summer Professional Development