Our students love social media, right? Wouldn't it be great if we could incorporate social media in our curriculum?Many school districts have very stringent policies regarding the use of social media. So, in most learning environments, asking students to create a Twitter or Facebook account as an historical figure is probably not feasible. Enter Twister and Fakebook!If you haven't checked out ... Read More about Cool Tools!
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Classroom by Google
Have you heard the news?! Google will debut "Classroom" sometime in September of this year!This begs the question...what is Classroom?From Google's brief and surprisingly vague description, Classroom is a Google App and Learning Management System. Teachers who use Classroom can easily organize, share, assign, collect, and grade student work. Classroom will give teachers the option of sharing ... Read More about Classroom by Google
I’ve Flipped for Flippity!
Are you a Google school? Do your students use flash cards or similar study tools? Do they have access to the Internet? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or even if you answered no, this is an AMAZING tool for your classroom! Check out Flippity!Flippity is a great web tool that allows users to create flashcards (and other study tools) through a Google Sheet template. It is so easy to ... Read More about I’ve Flipped for Flippity!
Do They “Geddit?”
Looking for a different student response system to try in your Chromebook classroom? Check out Geddit!Just yesterday, I was thinking of a way that I could "techify" an idea a tool a teacher friend uses in her classroom. She has four folders in her room, and at the end of the class period, her students drop a piece of paper in one of those folders to indicate how comfortable they feel with the new ... Read More about Do They “Geddit?”
Gamification in Education
Gamification in education is an extremely popular topic. It seems as though everyone is talking about gamification and how great it is. But, what exactly is "it" and why is "it" so important?According to Badgeville.org, gamification is, "the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging."So, what role can gamification play in education?As ... Read More about Gamification in Education