Well...my first semester as a flipped teacher is rapidly drawing to a close. I made it!Now, time for reflection...Pros...INCREASED student engagementINCREASED student test scoresPOSITIVE student responseNegatives...More planning timeVideo creationNew instructional activitiesThings to change next semester...Assign instructional videos to my students at least two days prior to their "due ... Read More about My Flipped Classroom!
Search Results for: flipped classroom
Collaboration in the Flipped Classroom: My C4 Model
Ahh group work. This concept brings back not-so-fond memories of my educational experience. Group work or cooperative work often meant that high achieving students who cared about their grades (me) were stuck with classmates who were less than concerned about the project. My teachers' hope was that I would bring up the lower achieving students, using scaffolding, etc etc.In short, I HATED group ... Read More about Collaboration in the Flipped Classroom: My C4 Model
EDpuzzle in the Flipped Classroom: Updated
Wow! Two posts in one day? That hasn't happened in months!I'm sure you know how I feel...absolutely swamped!I felt the need to share a brief update about using EDpuzzle in the classroom.I absolutely love this tool, and my students are responding well to it, too. However, for the past few weeks, I have had one or two students in each of my classes who have been unable to view the video on EDpuzzle ... Read More about EDpuzzle in the Flipped Classroom: Updated
Flipped Classroom: In-Class or Out-of-Class Videos
Well folks, it is safe to say that I have completely and totally jumped into the flipped classroom model. I am officially on the bandwagon. In fact, I'm so much in love with the concept that I can't imagine reverting to the sage on the stage model I previously used!Using the flipped classroom model, I am free to actually help students understand concepts that are addressed in our class. I can help ... Read More about Flipped Classroom: In-Class or Out-of-Class Videos
Intentional Instruction…A Pillar of the Flipped Classroom
Have you ever had a class period like this?Teacher: Today, our objective is to analyze the Articles of Confederation, noting strengths and weaknesses of the form of government. The Articles of Confederation w---Student 1: Can you spell that?Student 2: Can you repeat what you just said?Teacher (frustrated already): Yes, A-R-T-I-C-L-E-S of C-O-N-F-E-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. Our goal is to find strengths and ... Read More about Intentional Instruction…A Pillar of the Flipped Classroom