Word CollageLooking for a word cloud generator on your iPad? Check this out! Copy and paste information from nearly any source into this app, and voila! Well worth the .99!Explain a Website This wonderful app comes from the genius minds of the creators of Explain Everything. I love Explain Everything, and I love Explain a Website! Simply enter an active website into the address bar, and hit enter. ... Read More about MORE Awesome APPS!
Search Results for: Take What You Need
Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!
As many schools are making the jump to digital platforms and 1:1 classrooms, an electronic note-taking tool is a MUST!Most, if not all, of our students have grown up shopping for notebooks, pencils, and folders to use in school. I vividly remember racing down the school supply aisle, throwing Lisa Frank notebooks and folders (and the awesome trapper keepers!) in the cart before my mom noticed!So, ... Read More about Evernote: Great Note-Taking Tool!
Digital Citizenship
What is digital citizenship? How should we address it in our classrooms? In our increasingly global and digital society, we must prepare our students to be digital citizens who are conscious of their digital presence.According to digitalcitizenship.net, digital citizenship is defined "as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. As teachers, we model appropriate ... Read More about Digital Citizenship
Essential iPad Apps!
The apps available for use on the iPad are absolutely amazing! Even if you're like me and only have one iPad in your classroom, your students can benefit enormously from using the incredible iPad apps! There are so many fabulous apps available for use in education, and there is NO WAY I could possibly list or discuss even a majority of them. Listed below are a few of MY favorite apps to use in ... Read More about Essential iPad Apps!
Chromebooks in the Classroom
Why Chromebooks?Chromebooks have become extremely popular in the world of education because of their ease of access and affordability. "Google" schools that utilize Chromebooks provide students with a gmail account (which also comes with Google Drive!) and a chromebook. There are MANY Chromebook models from which to choose, ranging from about $279 through $429. At first, the cost of providing ... Read More about Chromebooks in the Classroom