One aspect of teaching in a 1:1 environment that I have really enjoyed is the increase in student participation and collaboration.When every student has a device, every student can participate in activities and discussions...regardless of whether or not they are a particularly shy, outgoing, confident, or timid. It's awesome!One of my absolute favorite tech tools to use in my classroom is Padlet! ... Read More about 5 Favorite EdTech Tools of 2014: Number 4!
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5 Favorite EdTech Tools of 2014: Number 5
As my first year as an EdTech nerd/blogger draws to a close, I'm looking back at my favorite tools/posts of 2014.Why oh why did I decide to narrow this list down to ONLY five?!?#5: BlendspaceBlendspace is an amazing tool that allows teachers to share resources with their students from virtually any source. Link your Google Drive and Dropbox account to Blendspace, and share helpful documents and ... Read More about 5 Favorite EdTech Tools of 2014: Number 5
My Flipped Classroom! first semester as a flipped teacher is rapidly drawing to a close. I made it!Now, time for reflection...Pros...INCREASED student engagementINCREASED student test scoresPOSITIVE student responseNegatives...More planning timeVideo creationNew instructional activitiesThings to change next semester...Assign instructional videos to my students at least two days prior to their "due ... Read More about My Flipped Classroom!
Best. Review Game. Ever!!!!
I am a HUGE Ellen fan, but never get home from work at the right time to watch her show. However, over Thanksgiving break, I FINALLY got to sit down and watch Ellen (both of my kiddos were napping) and she was playing her super fun game, Heads Up!, with a guest. It was hilarious to watch!Before long, I found myself wondering how I could use this game in my know me, EdTech nerd ... Read More about Best. Review Game. Ever!!!!
Collaboration in the Flipped Classroom: My C4 Model
Ahh group work. This concept brings back not-so-fond memories of my educational experience. Group work or cooperative work often meant that high achieving students who cared about their grades (me) were stuck with classmates who were less than concerned about the project. My teachers' hope was that I would bring up the lower achieving students, using scaffolding, etc etc.In short, I HATED group ... Read More about Collaboration in the Flipped Classroom: My C4 Model