Happy Monday, friends! I'm writing to you today from Thanksgiving break! WOOOHOOO! As I told my students and colleagues last week, I've needed breaks before, and I've wanted breaks before, but I do not remember a time when I so desperately needed a break! This year has been a dandy, to say the least. Earlier this month, I was presenting my Social Studies and Google Classroom seminar to some ... Read More about “Let’s Play Hot Seat!” Super – Easy Review Game
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Using Blooket in the Classroom
Happy Sunday, all! I hope you've had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the week ahead. I'm making a point today to get my mind right, if you will, to focus on having a positive week because last week was ... well, let's just say it was a doozy. Do you ever have those days or weeks that leave you feeling mentally and physically drained? I came home Thursday afternoon and took a nap. That ... Read More about Using Blooket in the Classroom
Creating Interactive Self-Checks in Google Slides
Happy Sunday, friends! I'm gearing up for my first day back to work in nearly two solid weeks - we had a half day the Monday before last, and that was the last time I was in my classroom! I imagine I'll need ALL the caffeine and good vibes to power me through tomorrow! I'm getting ready to send out an email that is LOADED with Google Slides hacks, and I wanted to make sure I shared this idea with ... Read More about Creating Interactive Self-Checks in Google Slides
NEW Review Activity!
Happy Friday, all! I'm coming to you from the middle of the last week of our semester. A week filled with review games, finals, and makeup work, along with SNOW earlier this week! I absolutely LOVE snow days, as do many teachers, and was extremely bummed when the snow didn't quite stack up to the forecasted amounts, and I had to put actual pants on to go to work, instead of staying in my leggings ... Read More about NEW Review Activity!
Remote Learning Students in Google Classroom
Happy Thursday, friends! I feel like I'm coming to you from my second "Miracle Morning" and I'm feeling great! Yesterday, I was able to get in a workout, Bible journaling, wash, dry, AND fix my hair --- whaaat??! --- and I felt like I started my day off on the right foot. Today is my rest day (I'm working on actually taking those!) so I'm coming to you from my second activity (3rd if you count ... Read More about Remote Learning Students in Google Classroom