Happy New Year! Does it really seem possible that another year has come and gone? I'm realizing more and more as I get older exactly how right my parents were when they said, "it goes by quickly!" Heck, I realize every day how right my parents were about basically everything in life ... don't you wish you could share some of the wisdom you've acquired in your thirties with your teenage self? But, ... Read More about My One Word – 2020 Edition
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Happy 2019! #OneWord Challenge
Happy New Year! Did you make until midnight last night? I didn't even TRY! After knocking out a 3 mile run and a workout from A Little More Obsessed, I was ready for bed at about 10. Since having kids, my husband and I don't make it until midnight, but neither do our kids! We played some new games, watched some of their favorite shows, and then they were ready for bed! Last year, I decided to ... Read More about Happy 2019! #OneWord Challenge
My #oneword2018 -> A New Type of Resolution
**This post may contain links to sites that, if you purchase an item from that site, may allow me to earn a commission.* I am TERRIBLE at resolutions. There, I said it. I, like many others, start with noble intentions. I'm going to stop biting my nails - this has been a habit as long as I can remember. Or, I'm going to get up early every day to work out - I love working out, but I just can't get ... Read More about My #oneword2018 -> A New Type of Resolution
Wordle and Word Cloud Generators in Education
Word Clouds can be used in so many ways in the classroom! And they're so easy to create!There are many Word Cloud generators available, and the program most commonly associated with Word Clouds is Wordle.Below I've listed some other word cloud generators...TagCrowdWord It OutTagulSo, what exactly is a "word cloud?"Word Cloud generators allow the user to copy and paste text into their platform. The ... Read More about Wordle and Word Cloud Generators in Education
5 Favorite Tools for the 24-25 School Year
Hey, all! Happy August! Has summer flown by, or is it just me? Good gracious! I'm looking back at my posts for this year and am noticing that have DEFINITELY not adhered to my word for the New Year and posting at least once a month - yikes! I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off this calendar year. My oldest is playing for a non-local travel volleyball club for ... Read More about 5 Favorite Tools for the 24-25 School Year