As I begin to think about next school year (yes, I know it's only February!), one of the biggest concerns I have about our new 1:1 environment is MANAGING my new classroom setting. As a new teacher, I still don't feel as though I'm an expert on classroom management, and going 1:1 will definitely impact my classroom environment. I've compiled a list of articles and resources for making the switch ... Read More about Managing a 1:1 Classroom
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The Wonderful World of Google!
Google Drive has extraordinary possibilities in the classroom. "Google Schools" can provide students with gmail accounts, which allow students to access Google Drive. So, what's all the hype about Google Drive in education? Here are a few examples of uses in the classroom:GmailThe benefits of using gmail are absolutely amazing. Communicate with students who are absent. Share documents with ... Read More about The Wonderful World of Google!
QR Codes in the Classroom
QR Codes can be found just about anywhere you look. They are on buildings, billboards, informational brochures, and even in the classroom. Before I get into classroom use, let me first discuss what QR codes actually are. QR Codes (Quick Response Codes) are strange looking squares that link to a website, a piece of text, an image, or other piece of information. So, how can QR Codes be used in the ... Read More about QR Codes in the Classroom
Essential iPad Apps!
The apps available for use on the iPad are absolutely amazing! Even if you're like me and only have one iPad in your classroom, your students can benefit enormously from using the incredible iPad apps! There are so many fabulous apps available for use in education, and there is NO WAY I could possibly list or discuss even a majority of them. Listed below are a few of MY favorite apps to use in ... Read More about Essential iPad Apps!