Welcome to part two of the techified taxonomy!The next level on Bloom's Taxonomy is the "understanding" level. What does it mean to understand? How can we assess whether or not students understand a concept?Below are some tools that we can use to assess whether or not students "understand" a concept:ScrumblrStudents can use this tool to compare and contrast terms, concepts, events, etc. This is a ... Read More about Bloom’s Techified Taxonomy: Part Two
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Bloom’s Taxonomy…Techified Part One
As professionals in the field of education, we have all heard of Bloom's Taxonomy...this mystical pyramid, circle, or tree that describes the levels of learning. We're told to try to assess the top levels of Bloom's as much as possible, and not to focus heavily on the lower recall levels, but be careful not to forget about the lower levels, because they're important, too! Ahhh the ... Read More about Bloom’s Taxonomy…Techified Part One
Twitter + Education = Twiducate
Looking for another way to contact your students? Would you like to share websites with your students? Post instructions? Due dates? Important events?Check out Twiducate!This extremely easy to use website is FREE and offers teachers a great way to communicate with their students.My favorite characteristic of this website is the ability to share important links with students. I'm sure I'm not the ... Read More about Twitter + Education = Twiducate
Try This Interactive Whiteboard Tool…It’s Free!
I LOVE using interactive whiteboards with my students! These tools are great for increasing collaboration and student engagement!Students can work together without being in the same classroom...these tools can help students who miss school for sports, activities, or just for being sick.Tools like Scrumblr can be used collaboratively in so many ways...as bellringersfor brainstormingfor posting ... Read More about Try This Interactive Whiteboard Tool…It’s Free!
“Techify” Your Book Review Assignment and Incorporate Common Core!
With the huge emphasis being placed on reading and writing in every classroom through Common Core standards, teachers are looking for ways to integrate ELA skills in new ways.Here's a project idea that involves, reading, writing, speaking, and 21st century technology skills!Create a multimedia presentation (Canva, Piktochart, Google Presentation, Prezi, etc)Students can include brief talking ... Read More about “Techify” Your Book Review Assignment and Incorporate Common Core!