Hello, friends! I'm coming to you this evening from my desk in our basement on the evening before I head back to work after our extremely brief, but much needed, Easter break. Next year, my district will be adopting a new calendar that allows us to count hours instead of days, which means we will be at school more minutes but fewer days. This means that my eleventh year of teaching will finally ... Read More about Flipped Learning and HyperDocs: Reflections from my Classroom
Level Up Your PD through Twitter!
Welcome to Fourth Quarter! We're on the downhill slide; the homestretch of the school year, and I don't know about you but this is the time of year that I feel always goes too fast. I still have so much to accomplish and so little time in which to do so! Toward the end of the week during February and March, I also find myself even more drained than usual. It's almost like someone has pulled my ... Read More about Level Up Your PD through Twitter!
5 Great Chrome Extensions for Students
Hello, friends! February was the month of conferences, workshops, sick days, snow days, and federal holidays for me, and I feel like I'm playing catch up. I know you feel my pain! This is the 4th year of our 1:1 initiative, and I've started to just assume that my students know how to "technology," if you will. I've made an effort, as I'm sure many of you have, to make technology the background ... Read More about 5 Great Chrome Extensions for Students
Hosting Digital Study Session with Padlet and Remind
Good morning and happy Friday! My dual credit American History students are taking their first assessment today and many are freaking out. You remember those days, right? The first time you took a test in a class and weren't quite sure what to expect? I certainly remember the anxiety that came with the first test --- basically, all of the tests --- so I wanted to create a study tool for my ... Read More about Hosting Digital Study Session with Padlet and Remind
Teacher Self Care: 3 Ways I De-Stress
If you're a teacher, this statement will probably come as no surprise to you: teaching can be stressful. Yes, teaching can be super stressful, not only because of the work that goes into designing lessons and units that help create a meaningful and relevant learning experience for our students. Teaching is, in my humble opinion, one of the most - if not the most - important job on the face of the ... Read More about Teacher Self Care: 3 Ways I De-Stress