Looking for a place to discuss ideas, questions, and concerns about educational technology? Online communities are great places to learn tips, tricks, and new ideas about the ever changing world of educational technology! I've listed a few of my favorite online communities below...Google+There are TONS of communities on Google+ dealing with educational technology. If you're looking for information ... Read More about EdTech Communities
Search Results for: Take What You Need
I am so excited about flipping my classroom!I have been lucky enough to attend some pretty amazing workshops this year dealing with flipping. I have been sifting through all of the resources and trying to come up with a game plan for my flip. Here's what I have so far...What to flip?I currently teach many sections of American Government, which is a state tested area...eek! From my research and ... Read More about Flipping!
Flipping: Shy Students
I read an interesting article recently, from sophia.org titled "Parent Perspective: Can a Flipped Classroom Help Introverts Learn Better?" and it brought back memories from my school days...I was the really smart kid who...didn't want to be called on in classwanted to work individually because, well I just didn't want to work with a groupdid the assignment, read the reading, but would rather not ... Read More about Flipping: Shy Students
Note-Taking with Technology
Our classrooms are becoming increasingly digitized...which is extremely exciting!At the same time, many of our students, especially at the secondary level, have been taught a specific way to take notes...an activity we can agree is essential to student success.However, with many classrooms becoming "flipped" or "blended" learning environments, the way our students have been taught to take notes ... Read More about Note-Taking with Technology
Check out VideoNot.es: It is AMAZING!
Do you ever want your students to watch a video for homework? Do they ever struggle keeping up with the video, or remembering that the assignment is actually...an assignment...and they may need to take notes?Stress no more, teacher friends!If you haven't checked out VideoNot.es, please do so immediately!! :)This is an amazing tool that allows students to watch a video (any video that has a ... Read More about Check out VideoNot.es: It is AMAZING!