I have a dilemma. I teach American Government, arguably one of the most important courses in the Social Studies content area for obvious reasons...you know, teaching students about how their government works, how to be a part of it, and of course, what characteristics a good citizen embodies. No big deal, right? :D In the state of Missouri, Government is an end of course tested area, ... Read More about Current Events + Common Core = Curriculet!
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3 Great Tools for Creating Bibliographies
Well, folks. Fourth quarter is nearly upon us! We're on the downhill slide! The homestretch! Does it seem like this school year has flown by? I think so! As the end of the school year draws closer, many of our students may be frantically sifting through the seemingly endless labyrinth of online resources in an attempt to create a mind-blowing research paper. As teachers,we've been ... Read More about 3 Great Tools for Creating Bibliographies
Making Flipped Videos Efficiently and Effectively
As the 3rd Quarter of my first year as a "flipper" comes to a close, I think it's again time to reflect on my experiences. (For the importance of reflection in teaching, click here) In addition to transitioning my classroom from the so-called "traditional" flipped environment, and using instead the "in-class" flip, I've also changed the way I create my videos. Earlier in the year, I spent ... Read More about Making Flipped Videos Efficiently and Effectively
Reflective Teaching and Resource Sharing…Why I Blog
I started blogging in January of 2014, and ever since, I've been asked these questions... Why do you do it? I started my EdTech nerd blog for a few reasons. First, I wanted a way to reflect upon my journey as I attempt to become a 21st century educator. As a teacher, I feel reflection is hugely important, and blogging is the platform I chose to use to do it. I also wanted to share the ... Read More about Reflective Teaching and Resource Sharing…Why I Blog
Using Google Docs
If you're interested in a brief tutorial about using Google Docs, you've come to the right place! I was first introduced to Google Docs in my undergraduate educational technology class waaaaay back in 2007 :) At that time, I was thoroughly unimpressed with Google Docs. It seemed so much easier to use Microsoft Word...because that's what I was accustomed to using. I never really gave Google Docs a ... Read More about Using Google Docs