Google seems to have taken over the world of is absolutely everywhere...and that's great!With the addition of Google+ features to Google Apps for Education accounts (GAFE) came the Google Hangout, which is essentially Google's pumped up answer to Skype.So, what exactly is a Google Hangout?A Google Hangout is a video call, chat, discussion platform crammed into one amazing tool. I ... Read More about Ready to “Hangout” in Your Classroom?
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Doctopus Update
Have you discovered how amazing Doctopus can be in your Google classroom? If not, please check it out!The Doctopus Add-on is SO much easier to use in comparison to the script version.You can use the Add-on to "create folders and shares" for your classes, which eliminates the need to use a gClassFolders script...which is good because scripts aren't available anymore on the new Sheets! I believe an ... Read More about Doctopus Update
Great App Resource!
Do you ever get overwhelmed when searching for apps to use with your class? You click on an app, think it might be good, download it, and then "glance" and the suggested apps. Three hours later, you've downloaded 15 apps and have spent $20. Does this sound like you?If you're like me and crave an easy to use database of apps, then check out Appolicious! Search for apps based on age, content, or ... Read More about Great App Resource!
Our Classrooms: Past, Present, and Future
Teachers and Their ClassroomsWhat’s the first word that pops into your head when you read the following terms? One-room schoolhouse, matronly teacher, chalk, blackboard, quill, inkwell. For me, that term is: OLD SCHOOL.What other terms could we add to that “old school” list? Teacher-centered environment? Rote memorization? Fact regurgitation? Are these aspects of a 21st century classroom? I hope ... Read More about Our Classrooms: Past, Present, and Future
Looking for a FANTASTIC Note-Taking and Organization Tool?!
Looking for an additional note taking tool for your students to use? Check out Springpad!Springpad, much like Evernote, allows users to create notebooks and notes. UNLIKE Evernote, Springpad users can add a variety of sources including:BooksVideosLinksFilesPhotosRecipes...this would be cool for a FACS class!Television ShowsMovies...and more!Simply search for the desired source, and Springpad finds ... Read More about Looking for a FANTASTIC Note-Taking and Organization Tool?!