You know I LOVE Edmodo. However, there are actually a few aspects I don't really like. For example, when my students are taking part in a "discussion board," I want them to respond directly to another students' post. On Edmodo, students can't do this. They can, however, respond to another student within the discussion thread, but must begin their point with "I agree with Student A," or "Student A ... Read More about Google Moderator: Great Discussion Board Tool
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Classroom Collaboration
Encouraging students to collaborate with one another is extremely important and beneficial. If you are lucky enough to have technology rich classroom environment, encouraging student collaboration can be fun and easy! Below are some tools to use to encourage online, real time collaboration with your students. Enjoy!PadletThis is BY FAR my favorite tool for collaboration, brainstorming, questions, ... Read More about Classroom Collaboration
Current Events: So Important, and So Little Time to Devote to Discussion
As a Social Studies teacher, I constantly find myself torn between teaching content which will be on the standardized test (ahhh a teacher's favorite topic) and discussing current events with my students. There are tons of great topics we could discuss that would be relevant to our curriculum, and would be extremely interesting to my students. However, I just don't feel like there is enough time ... Read More about Current Events: So Important, and So Little Time to Devote to Discussion
Wikis in the Classroom
Looking for a way to engage your students in content? Why not try a wiki?Many have heard of the term "wiki," most often associated with the extremely popular website, Wikipedia. Wikipedia often gets a bad reputation among educators because of what it is...a wiki in which anyone can add content.I had a TERRIBLE experience with Wikipedia when I was student teaching. Ok, may TERRIBLE is a slight ... Read More about Wikis in the Classroom
Student Response Systems in YOUR Classroom
As a teacher, I'm always looking for great ways to gauge my students' learning. Do they understand this concept? Can they apply this skill? Can they describe this event? I don't use formative assessments nearly as much as I should, but with these fantastic tech tools, I can monitor student learning more effectively. Both of these are FREE tools, so check them out!SocrativeSocrative is a great ... Read More about Student Response Systems in YOUR Classroom