Well, friends. I did it. Yesterday, I turned in my Apple TV - my beloved Apple TV that I used during every class period, every day about 5 years ago. I loved being able to use my iPad with my Apple TV to move around the classroom, display fabulous apps like Google Earth, and sketch out concepts and examples for my students. Two Google tools, however, have made my Apple TV an unnecessary tool for ... Read More about EdTech in My Classroom: Google Cast for Education
What did THEY Learn BINGO – Student Choice and Reflection
As the semester draws to a close, my American Government classes are learning about protections guaranteed under the United States Constitution. In previous years, students have been able to work in groups to create a presentation about a landmark Supreme Court case in which they: identify the constitutional issue at the center of the case, describe what happened to cause the case, the outcome of ... Read More about What did THEY Learn BINGO – Student Choice and Reflection
EdTech Tools in My Classroom: Virtual Reality is AWESOME!
It’s one thing to be able to show students pictures of far-off cities and amazing locations, but allowing them to experience these places through virtual reality or augmented reality can be quite powerful. There is definitely no shortage of virtual reality apps and videos in the world of educational technology. But, what is virtual reality? According to the English Oxford Living Dictionaries, ... Read More about EdTech Tools in My Classroom: Virtual Reality is AWESOME!
EdTech Tools in My Classroom: Quizlet and Remind
My students are in the middle of reviewing for their US Constitution test - according to the state of Missouri, students must take and pass this test in order to graduate from high school. It goes without saying, of course, that my students are extremely focused on doing well on this test! We use a variety of edtech tools to review for assessments, including Quizizz, Kahoot, and Quizlet. ... Read More about EdTech Tools in My Classroom: Quizlet and Remind
Constitution Land – Constitution Review Game w/Google Slides
Welcome to Constitution Land, the review game that popped into my head with five minutes left in my planning period yesterday! Don't you just love when that happens? You spend the majority of your planning period on the verge of something cool, and then with five minutes left, the idea strikes and you frantically scribble down the idea before your students come into your classroom. Please tell me ... Read More about Constitution Land – Constitution Review Game w/Google Slides