Tomorrow, I start my tenth year teaching. TEN YEARS. It doesn't seem possible! I still feel like a new teacher - excited and nervous for the first day of school. As I mentally prepare for heading back to the most important job in the world, I'm thinking back to my first year teaching. I was 22 years old and had just graduated from college about 3 months earlier. I was SCARED TO DEATH! As a way of ... Read More about Dear First Year Teacher – A Letter to Myself as a New Teacher
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Teacher Goals for a New School Year! 2017-2018 Edition
It's that time of year again! The month when teachers have to start retraining our bladders, setting alarms, and (if you're like me) getting used to skipping an afternoon nap - that's a tough one! I've been so fortunate this summer to attend many great PD sessions that stretched my perspective and challenged me to create an awesome learning environment for my students. Check out a few of my ... Read More about Teacher Goals for a New School Year! 2017-2018 Edition
Stages of Writing an EdTech Book
Well, friends - I hope you're enjoying your "teacher's summer!" We all know the truth behind the myth of teachers having "summers off" ... good one, right?! That's not to say we don't unwind a bit over the summer - and this is a well-deserved relaxation! My family and I had a wonderful vacation on the beach in South Carolina, and I thoroughly enjoyed drinking my Starbucks on the beach :) This ... Read More about Stages of Writing an EdTech Book
Using Flipgrid in the Classroom: I’ve Caught #FlipgridFever!
I'm sure you've heard of the new tool that's taking the world of educational technology by storm: Flipgrid! If you haven't, holy awesomeness, prepare yourself now. I first learned about Flipgrid earlier this year when they were announced as EdTechDigest's 2017 Winner in the product or service category. (By the way, I was included as a finalist in the School Leader category! Whaat?!) I ... Read More about Using Flipgrid in the Classroom: I’ve Caught #FlipgridFever!
Augmented Reality – My Day at RCET
I was fortunate enough to attend some GREAT sessions during my time at RCET this week, and one of these great sessions was on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. I've had experience with both of these "realities" - more experience with VR than AR - and was excited to learn more about the applications for AR in the classroom! I learned about Augmented Reality, specifically using Aurasma, ... Read More about Augmented Reality – My Day at RCET